Sunday, 8 December 2013

New Look, missed a week, how I train.

So I missed a week.   To tell you the truth, I've been so busy with other aspects of my life I didn't have a chance to update or even get any training in last weekend.

I did have a chance to update the look of this blog.  I'm still learning lots about how this whole thing works, so I'm sure by the time next summer rolls around, this blog will look very different.  its a constant evolution.   I've linked to some of the gear I use, some useful sites, as well as my athlete page on the ignition fitness page.  It includes my race reports from last year.

The past few weeks have been a little hectic with all the freelance work i'm doing as well as starting the process to unload my CMW position.    We also did our annual trip to Niagara falls to stock up on stuff for the year, as well to get most of our xmas shopping done.   I found this gem of a shirt..i think it'll look pretty swanky out on my long runs this spring/summer!  not a huge fan of 'selfies', but had to show off this gem...

I thought i would share how I do my workouts year round..

Swim - I use my garmin 910xt in the pool to track my time/distance.    I only use the screen that I set up with "Lap Time/Lap distance/lap pace".   after every interval I hit 'lap'.   The garmin accelerometer within the watch will automatically determine whether that lap is an actual swim or a rest period.   For kicking sets, I let the watch run.  The Garmin will read this as a rest period, but when I upload to garmin connect, it'll show my total time in the pool.

Bike - This is a bit of a tricky one... some people may not agree with how i do things.   I have a computrainer set up to change the load for my workout, however I go by the power readings from my power tap.   Those are the files I upload for coach to see.   I go by the power on the power tap, as that the main device I use indoors/outdoors and want to be consistent.    I do find a bit of a discrepancy between the 2 devices, but nothing too crazy.   For example here is 2 files from my bike ride yesterday:

From Powertap:

From Computrainer

The workout was a 10mins easy warm up, followed by 45mins at 150w-175w/5mins rest/15mins at 215w-230w/5mins rest/20mins at 215w-230w.   From the 2 files there is a bit of discrepancy:

45mins - 170w
15mins - 230w
20mins - 229w

45min - 165w
15mins - 224w
20mins - 224w

Nothing crazy, and still within the range I should have been.   Its just nice to get on computrainer and not worry about changing gears to maintain my effort.  Just hop on and maintain a steady cadence.  I don't change gears in these types of workouts.

Run - With running, I only go by heart rate/distance.   I know with the garmin there are lots of different options to see data on the screen.   I only have 2 fields set up - HR and Time.   Thats all I really care about for now.   When doing intervals and need to hit a specific pace I'll switch it up to pace/time.   I try to keep things really simple with the running.

Since things have been so crazy busy, I have no useful links today.. Will hopefully be back on track with some useful stuff that I find on the web next week!

Sunday, 24 November 2013

November in the books..

Just finished my first training block.   Not a whole lot of intensity for the month of November.  Just trying to get back into a routine with consistency.  

I joined a masters swim club this month for the first time in a few years.  Its a true swim club(focusing on all swim strokes).  I've talked to the coach and for those sets with other strokes, I'll continue with freestyle.    The workouts are about 3000m of swimming, with 4 swims a week.   I think with this plan I can put in anywhere from 9k-12k of swimming per week.   It also gives me lots of flexibility with my freelance position with CTV for lots of options to swim.

On the bike front, I'm still looking at options to hide my shifting junction box(see photo).   The junction box is the box hanging off the side with 'shimano' on the side.   In theory, this box can be trimmed/rejigged to go inside my stem.   With this it'll create a much cleaner set up.   Much like "crowies' shiv.  He's had some modifications down to have the box internal.    see photos for comparison:

Craig Alexanders

In addition to looking into this junction box, I received a new crank this week.   Last year I rode with a 'standard crank'.   A standard crank has 53 teeth on outer ring and 39 teeth on inner ring.   In previous years, I've gone with a 'compact crank' which has less teeth on both outer and inner rings.
explanation on standard vs. compact crank:

My running is a little bit of a struggle these days.  I'm still working through issues with my stomach.  Hopefully will have that resolved for the big training months.    still trying to adjust to a constant schedule and training intensities.

In other news, I've been accepted to the "Ignition Fitness Ambassador Team"( once again for 2013.   This will be my 2nd year working with head coach Tommy Ferris.    I saw great strides in results last year, but still have some unfinished business for 2014! Congrats to the returning members and welcome to the new athletes on the team!

A few things I noticed this week:
-2015 70.3 World Championships heading to Europe:
after many years in the US and with 2014 in Mont Tremblant it appears that 2015 will be in Europe(not that i'll qualify! but interesting)

-When should you be taking your supplements/vitamins?

-Road ID App
I've mentioned this a few times... i think this app is beneficial to anyone who's outside doing activities alone - walking the dog, running....better to be safe than sorry!

-100 exercises with no weights

-Multisport Canada takes over Kingston Long Course and releases 2014 schedule

Monday, 18 November 2013

About Me.. I've got lots of ideas for these types of blogs.   The main reason why i'm doing this is so in 10 years I can look back and see exactly what my thoughts were and how I was preparing for this 2nd Ironman.

So about me..  I'm 38 (will be 39 on raceday 2014).   I grew up in a small down about 100k east of Toronto called Cobourg.   Growing up I was pretty active with Baseball, Hockey, Tennis...  When I went to college it was a different story...being out on my own, I gained lots of weight, cut down on the sports, and got introduced to alcohol.    These trends continued til about I was 33 when i was pushing about 240lbs.  I knew something had to change..  this was me about 10yrs ago...

I remember going watch a bunch of my friends go to toronto island in 2005 and run a 10k.   I was the 'fat guy' on the side of the road cheering them on.   On that day i vowed that I would be out running with them the following year.   I found a 5k plan..started running 1 mins, and walking 1mins.   It came so fast, and within months i was running 5ks.  In 2006 I ran my first 8k and first 10k and got hooked.    In 2008 I bought my first bike, and started sprint duathlons.

In 2008 my friend Stephen was training for Ironman Lake Placid and a few of us decided last minute to go down and cheer him on.   I remember watching the Ironman on NBC, but figured that was something that people were 'drafted' into.. much like baseball, or hockey.  I didn't realize regular folks did this crazy event.   Watching the Ironman that day was much like watching that 10k 2 years earlier.  It was something that I had to try.    Since I hadn't swam since I was a kid, I wanted to train right and take the right amount of time to tackle that race...  I had set a plan to do IMLP in 2011.  Spent years learning to swim, build my endurance, then on July 24th, 2011 completed that race.  It was a tough tough day(see my race report), but loved every second of it.

For my nutrition I try to stay as close as I can to a Paleo lifestyle... I don't eat grains or dairy.   I find that I feel better eating this way rather than a typical food pyramid that we've been told to eat since we were kids.

For 2012 and 2013 I stuck to doing half Ironmans(70.3) and attempting to get stronger at each discipline.   I've set some pretty realistic goals for IMMT in 2014... just need to buckle down and get the right training in.

Here are some of my PBs
5k - (no races) 21:30(training) - 2013
8k - 39:13 Harrys Spring Run Off - 2009
10k - 45:07 Sporting Life - 2009
21.1k - 1:35 Goodlife Half Marathon

Sprint(750m swim/20k bike/5k run) - 1:14:42 Chatham YMCA Sprint -2013
Olympic(1.5k swim/40k bike/10k run) - 2:26:55
Half Ironman - 5:15:02 (2k swim/90k bike/21.1k run) - MSC Welland half Iron
Ironman - 12:58 (3.8k/180k/42.2k) - Ironman Lake Placid

I'm still making changes to the way I eat/train... its a constant struggle to find that 'perfect' balance... but i'm doing my best!

Ironman Mont Tremblant 2014

Welcome to my page.  I figured this would be kind of a fun thing to do as i take that journey towards my 2nd Ironman attempt in Mont Tremlbant in 2014.  I'll do weekly updates on sundays recapping my week and anything I might have learned throughout the week.  

Why Ironman? 
Ironman Lake Placid was an amazing day for me and my family.  It was the day that I proposed to my girlfriend, and it was a great time away with the entire family.    The race however, I feel that I made a lot of rookie mistakes - went out too fast, nutrition problems, that I've always had the 'what ifs'.   Now that i'll be 3 years removed from IMLP I think i've forgotten the pain of training/racing Ironman so time to refine what i learned last time around and give it a shot!

Why Tremblant?
This venue is incredible.   The organizers and province really know how to embrace this sport.  I've never been to Tremblant for the full Ironman, however with tackling the course in 2012, and 2013 I think that I know what i'm in for with this course.   Also, I'm returning for the 70.3 again in 2013, Tremblant is driving distance for me, accommodations are reasonably priced.   

Why 2014?
Well I'm not getting any younger!  and if I want to tackle this distance now is the time to tackle it.   Shawna and I have been married for year, and we'd like to start thinking of a family.  If we were to start a family, the next time I would even think of Ironman would be 10years from now, and I don't want to be left with all the "what ifs?".   So the time is now... 2014 M35-39 represent!